第3回転編入試験を2025年2月15日(土)に実施⇒ Click!!


本日ご案内して頂ける本社の方に挨拶したあと、AEONの資料館に案内してもらいました。 その後、会議室に移動して、海外における教育支援や、環境に対する取り組みについて お話を伺ったり、DVDを見て、説明を受けました。
そして、質問の時間では 「AEONグループで取り扱っている商品の中で遠いところから仕入れている商品は何か?」 などの、いろいろな質問をしました。 その間中、子ども達は真剣にしおりにメモを取っていました。


AEON trip News paper

First we Departed from school from the pirotee at 8:45 and we Arrided at AEON Headquaters at 9:45. Next, greetings and brief orientation at 9:50. Next we toured the company museum at 10:00. We had a presentation from AEON about the company in a meeting room at 10:30. We Departed for Gyosei International Primary School at 11:00. Last Arrived at school 12:00.

AEON trip

Group No.10 members went to AEON Head Office. Then after we got off the bus, the guide was waiting for us “Welcome to AEON Head Office” said the guide. We went inside the museum. We saw a poster, a uniform and other intresting things. Finaly we went to the meeting room. Then the guide said “Please watch this video” then the guide started the video. After we finised the video the guide said “You can ask questions”. After asking questions all groups had a present from AEON. There was an Eco bag, note book, and an eraser. We all got back to the bus and watched a video then we all had lunch. We can learn social studies at AEON Head Office but no always!

What AEON Does to cut CO2

They want to cut CO2. So they are using trains instead of trucks to transport goods. And save electricity by turning off lights and machines that are not being used. I think that’s a good idea. I want to help AEON too.

