2024年度 学校説明会⇒ Click!!

Wrapping Up The First Term And Looking Toward Summer

July 16 was the last day of lessons for the first term of the 2011 school year. At the closing ceremony we sang Maria-Sama no Kokoro, listened to a speech from Father Tagawa, and received guidance from the head of the school discipline committee, Mr. Karakama, who spoke about how to spend a safe, enjoyable, and productive summer holiday. For more details please refer to the school newsletter, life and environment letter, and of course please look over your child’s report card.

From July 19 to July 23 we held an optional summer study program for the 5th and 6th graders which was well attended and hopefully beneficial to all those who attended.

We will be holding our opening ceremony and first day of regular lessons for the second term on September first and we are looking forward to seeing all students return safe and rested.



Le 16 juillet 2011, dernier jour avant les grandes vacances, un ancient élève de notre école primaire, est venu nous dire bonjour.

Il a fréquenté notre école pendant trois ans avant d’aller en Chine.

Il a eu ses premières leçons de français et anglais à GYOSEI. J’étais son premier professeur de français.

Il nous a dit qu’il aimait tellement le français qu’il allait continuer à l’étudier à USC, University of Southern California, à Los Angeles où il fera des études d’économie mondiale.

Il a donné un discours en japonais, anglais et français devant nos élèves en soulignant l’importance de connaître des langues.

Richard Strauss


