3月20日(祝・木)キリスト教学校合同フェア予約受付中⇒ Click!!

Grade 4 fire and police field trip guide 4学年社会科見学@木更津警察署,木更津消防署

On October the 6th the grade 4 A and B classes visited the police station and fire station in Kisarazu. First at the police station we watched a video about police work with children and learned some general information about the various police responsibilities in Chiba Prefecture. Following the video presentation the students were allowed to ask questions and the officer in charge answered questions regarding 110 emergency dial and traffic related incidents. Finally we were able look at and go inside a patrol car.
After visiting the police we went to the fire station. We learned about the types of emergencies they respond to and about how they are able to quickly get to the scene of an incident in the shortest amount of time. They were very accommodating and showed us the various uniforms they use to handle different types of disasters. Next the teachers rode a ladder truck to a height of 40 meters .As we were fortunate to have fine weather they brought out the vehicles and students were able to look at, climb inside, and hear about the specialized equipment in the trucks.
The students enjoyed the trip immensely and we are grateful for the hospitality we received.



