3月20日(祝・木)キリスト教学校合同フェア予約受付中⇒ Click!!

2012 First Annual Gyosei International Primary School Spelling Bee

This year we will be competing in the Scripps Spelling Bee which is being hosted by the Japan Times. Throughout the week of November 5th, classroom spelling bees were conducted to choose class representatives who will go on to compete in the school wide spelling bee. All students from grades three and up will be in attendance to cheer on their grades. Parents are also welcome. People coming by car can use the primary or Junior high Parking areas. If there is no room, the lower ground of the primary can also be used.
Date: November 20, 2012
Time: 12:40
Place: Primary School Gym at Gyosei Campus

Congratulations to the Finalists!

3A – T.W. ; S.H. ; H.K.
3B – A.S. ; M.T. ; T.K.
4A – K.M. ; K.O.
4B – A.M. ; M.M.
5A – A.N. ; K.K.
5B – T.Y. ; S.S. ; K.K.
6A – K.I. ; K.M.
6B – S.A. ; H.K.
The winner of will go on to represent Gyosei Primary School in Tokyo at the national competition.
