3月20日(祝・木)キリスト教学校合同フェア予約受付中⇒ Click!!

Seminar By Bishop Mori and Father Tagawa

On December 19, 2012 Bishop Mori paid a visit to Gyosei Academy and presented a lecture to the staff. Approximately 150 people were in attendance with some coming from as far away as Urayasu.
The lecture began at 2:00 and as an introduction the audience was treated to some beautiful Christmas music performed by the Yohane choir and ensemble.
Bishop Mori then presented a very interesting lecture on the challenges in maintaining a Catholic identity to our registered educational institutions. In an age with increasingly fewer baptized Catholics, both teaching and attending our schools, we find that it is important to rely on morally correct behavior. It is important that we can all agree on a set standard and work together for the good of our students.
There was then a brief intermission during which people had an opportunity to speak with Bishop Mori and ask questions about the content of his lecture. Father Tagawa then spoke about the founding of Gyosei International School. As a person with nothing more than a burning purpose he was able to convince enough people to put forward investment capital to make his dream of a school into the reality we are all a part of today. We can all learn by his example about the importance of using the gift of our lives to contribute positively to the world we live in.




Ⅰ.キリスト教の真髄/Essence of Christianity

講師 森 一弘 司教/Speaker: Mgr. Kazuhiro Mori



Mr. Mori graduated from Sophia University in 1960. He was ordained as a priest in Rome in 1967. He became a Bishop in 1985. His current post is at the Catholic incorporated foundation in Tokyo where he oversees biblical study and writings and meditations on the scriptures.

Ⅱ.創立者の思い -学園創立の精神-/Reminiscences on the foundation of the school (the spirit of foundation)


校長 田川 茂/Fr. Shigeru Tagawa



In 1951 Fr. Shigeru Tagawa Graduated from Sophia University. In 1955 he graduated from Fribourg University and was ordained as a priest. In 1961 he assumed the chief directorship of Gyosei School in Tokyo. In 1984 he founded Gyosei International School as chief director.
