3月20日(祝・木)キリスト教学校合同フェア予約受付中⇒ Click!!

4月13日 1年生を迎える会/Orienteering: Welcoming the 1st graders

On April 13th, on a beautiful sunny Saturday, the students from grades 1 through 6 gathered at the primary school gym. The students all lined up into 14 different teams. The student council gave their opening speech for the orienteering ceremony and the teams were ready for their word hunt. The teams went all over the campus looking for the hidden words and as they found them they had their papers signed by the teachers who stood by and off to look for the next word. The elder students lead the younger students as they did their search. After the search was over, the students gathered at the gym again. Finally, students sat in their groups with their teachers and had an enjoyable picnic style lunch together.

4月13日、「1年生を迎える会」が行われました。児童は、1年生から6年生までの縦割り班に分かれ、学園内に散りばめられた“Let’s enjoy our time together with new friends.”というキーワードを探し出し、みんなで協力して正しい順番に組み立て順位を競うアクティビティを楽しみました。上級生は、1年生を教室まで迎えに行ったり、手を引いて学園内を歩く姿が見られ、とても微笑ましい様子でした。閉会式の後は、グループ毎に昼食をとり、学年を超えてより絆が深まった1日になりました。



