3月20日(祝・木)キリスト教学校合同フェア予約受付中⇒ Click!!

新学年開始の延期について(Postponement of the School Resumption 4/2 保護者の皆様へ)

校長 田川 茂

さて、新型コロナウイルス感染症に伴う本校の措置については、3 月30 日付の配信文書にて4 月8 日に学校を再開する旨のお知らせをしたところではありますが、昨晩の政府専門家会議を受け、新年度開始決定が設置者の判断に委ねられることになりましたので、それを受け、検討の結果、本校は5 月10 日(日)までを休校とし、5 月11 日(月)の入学式、始業式から新学年度を開始することとしましたので、お知らせいたします。

We are writing to you to inform you that we are going to start the new academic year on Monday 11 May 2020 instead of Wednesday 8 April in spite of our previous letter dated 30 March 2020.
As you know, yesterday evening, the Government had another meeting about the COVID 19 issue with its specialists. As a result of this meeting, we have been left to make a decision about the school resumption by ourselves. We thought it over and decided that we would continue to keep the school closed until Sunday 10 May 2020, because many of our students come to school from the Tokyo area. The entrance
ceremony and the term-opening ceremony will be also held on 11 May.
As for the lost time for classes based on this closure, we think that we should make a plan about supplementary classes to cover the loss due to the nature and approach of our teaching. For the details, you will be informed of the make-up plan later.
Thanking for your cooperation in advance, we pray for the health of your family members.


Fr. D. Tagawa. S
