3月20日(祝・木)キリスト教学校合同フェア予約受付中⇒ Click!!

We are informing you of the resumption of our school.

Dear Parents,


We are informing you of the resumption of our school.


First of all, we would like to express our gratitude for your cooperation in your child staying home during this long school closure due to the COVID-19. We know that you are having a hard time teaching your children at home every day. We deeply appreciate your cooperation.


The government have lifted the state of emergency, so we will resume the school step by step,


as follows:

Step 1

Monday May 25 – Saturday June 6

Zoom online lessons will continue.


Step 2

Monday June 8 – Saturday June 13

We will divide students into groups. The students whose parents can drive them to and from school, will be accepted in turns.

The lessons will be given from 8:25 to 14:15.


Step 3

We will resume the school completely on Monday June 15 if it is judged to be possible.

However, the risk of infection has not disappeared yet, so we will continue to give online lessons for a few more weeks. We will regard the absence as being present during this period still if the students attend the online lessons instead of coming to school at your discretion.

As for the grouping of the day students for Step 2 and how the dormitory students should come, we will let you know later.

Thank you again for your cooperation.



Fr. Dominic S. Tagawa
