3月20日(祝・木)キリスト教学校合同フェア予約受付中⇒ Click!!

Schedule after July 6 and the First Term Evaluation

June 26, 2020
Dear Parents,

We are informing you of our schedule and the first term evaluation.

First, the complete schooling period will be from Monday, July 6th to Friday, July 31st. The
two national holidays, July 23rd, which is Day of Sea, and July 24th, which is Sports Day, will
be holidays though we said in our yearly event calendar that there would be classes on these
two days. Moreover, the medical check for the teachers scheduled on July 28th will be
postponed to August 25th, so there will be classes on July 28th, and instead, there won’t be
classes on August 25th.

Second, concerning the daily schedule and the timetable from July 6, we will follow the original
timetable that was planned at the beginning of this academic year. However, we will cancel
the seventh period on Wednesdays due to the online interview with the parents. Accordingly,
the school bus will leave at 14:30 on weekdays and 13:40 on Saturdays.

Third, as for the August schedule, we are going to give lessons only online from August 1st to
August 8th. We will have the first term closing ceremony online on August 8th. Also, From
August 24th to 31st, we will give online lessons again. The opening ceremony of the second
term will be held online on 24th August. For both the online weeks, the students will not be
required to come to school but their attendance will be required. From September 1st on, all
the students are coming to school. We will inform you of the details about the online weeks in
August, at the end of July.

Lastly, regarding the first term evaluation, we are not going to prepare the Report Cards
because it is difficult to evaluate the students’ performance accurately. We will reflect the
students’ efforts in the first term on the yearly evaluation at the end of the academic year.

Thank you again for your understanding and cooperation.


Fr. D. Tagawa. S
