3月20日(祝・木)キリスト教学校合同フェア予約受付中⇒ Click!!

2022年春に入学を希望する受験者のご家庭へ 今後の見学について Information about Visiting Our School for the 2022 Applicants




- 編入試験を希望される、現在、国内の公立・私立に就学している児童のご家庭。

- 海外に在住しているご家庭の一時帰国時の見学。


We plan to show you around our school on our open school scheduled on Saturday, 6 March 2021. We will not accept visitors for the 2022 application before that. If we change the date of the open school due to the COVID-19 issue, we will announce it on our website.


In spite of the above announcement, we accept visitors for our transfer examination any time of the year. We accept application for our transfer examination from domestic students at the end of each term-end and that from applicants living overseas any time of the year.
