2024年度 学校説明会⇒ Click!!

Information about the 2020 Third Round Transfer Exam

Information about the 2020 Third Round Transfer Exam (第3学期編転入試験のお知らせ)

We are going to execute our third transfer exam on February 27, 2021. This is for April enrollment in the new academic year. You will find the information about vacancy below:

  1. Acceptable Number of Students:
    <Regular Course:>

    Grade: Acceptable Number:
    1 N/A
    2 A few
    3 A few
    4 A few
    5 A few
    6 A few

    <International Course:>

    Grade: Acceptable Number:
    1 N/A
    2 No Vacancies
    3 A few
    4 A few
    5 A few
    6 A few
  1. Application Period:

Monday February 15, 2021  –  Friday February 19, 2021
Please mail all the application documents to our office by the deadline.

  1. Application Fee:

20,000 JPN

Please see the other details in our entrance guide. We will mail the application materials to you upon request.


