School Bus Routes

JR Kaihin-Makuhari Station Route
JR Kaihin-Makuhari to Gyosei International Primary
Departure: 6:30
Travel Time: Approximately 100 minutes
Bus Stop locations:
In front of the JR Kaihin-Makuhari Station Loteria, In front of JR Chiba Station Chiba Bank, In front of the Chiba Bank at the east entrance of JR Soga Station.
JR Kawasaki Station Route
JR Kawasaki Station to Gyosei International Primary
Departure: 7:00
Travel Time: Approximately 60 minutes
Bus Stop locations:
In front of Marui at the JR Kawasaki Station East Entrance, At the Ooshima crossing, under the route 132 Kawanakajima pedestrian bridge
Shin-Urayasu Station Route
JR Shin-Urayasu Station to Gyosei International Primary School
Departure: 6:45
Travel Time: Approximately 80 minutes
Bus Stop Locations:
In front of Shin-Urayasu Pre-School, In front of Hinode Community Center, In front of Keiyo Bank in the Toray Building
Yokohama Station Route
JR Yokohama Station to Gyosei International Primary School
Departure: 7:00
Travel Time: approximately 60 minutes
Bus Stop Location:
In front of the Tenri building at JR Yokohama Station’s west entrance
JR Kisarazu Station Route
JR Kisarazu Station to Gyosei International Primary School
Departure: 7:45
Travel Time: Approximately 20 minutes
Bus Stop Location:
East entrance of JR Kisarazu Station

School Bus time table

Depending on road conditions and weather, bus services may be canceled.